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arata ever new,keep on Improving

arata is named after two Japanese words,
"aratana" meaning new and "aratameru" meaning to improve.

We create valuable products for users
by constantly having new perspectives
and continuously improving.

The biggest feature of the backbone
behind arata's products is our technical expertise.

Since our student days,
we have enjoyed creating things and have been involved
in designing various products such as automobiles,
home appliances, industrial machinery, robots,
formula cars, inspection equipment, medical devices, and more.

Combining our technical expertise
with extensive outdoor experience,
arata will create gear that engineers truly
want to use and would readily recommend to friends.

We would be delighted if you could take arata,
filled with the thoughts and ideas of Japanese engineers,
as your companion on your journey.

We will overlook the world
with a "new perspective" and deliver "new products."